Hot Rum Series #2 2022

Sail Log


Sat Feb 5

Vessel Name/Type/Model

Escape/ J/70

Course/Sea Miles

Sailed dock to dock: mi

Course: nm


Who sailed or my position on the vessel


.TODAY...Eastern portion, NE winds 10 to 15 kt, becoming NW 5 to 10 kt in the afternoon. Western portion, winds variable 10 kt or less, becoming NW 10 to 15 kt in the afternoon. Wind waves 2 ft or less. W swell 2 ft at 13 seconds.

Sail Trace (Strava)


Morning List

This most is more of a rst learning post on how to give attribution on a image. I chose this because it is not really my morning list, but still, I can appreciate the irony that that it could actually be my daily morning list and routine.


Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

Programming Laguages to Know

I tend to get a chuckle when I read on Medium articles on which programming language you should learn. Why is this pertinent today? During the weekly department meeting, we talked about our supported tech stack.

As an ERP Programmer/Analyst for a Community College, there are some things that I am expected to know:



PL/SQL (A must and number one required skill)




GROOVY (yuck)


Shell knowledge

50 -100



Python (as needed Glue Language)


SQL (Oracle)


Languages that I must be aware of or at least be able to fake it.











Other tech concepts

  • Linux (I use Currently use Windows Linux Subsystem. I no longer have time to geek out on dedicated boxes or Virtual Box)

  • Shell (Bash and Ksh)

  • Ssh and key management

  • REST

  • JSON (To me, it is a lightweight object serialization). Mostly for API calls

  • CSV Many people would like to have CSV dead. When it comes to disparate systems

  • Single sign-on (both SAML and CAS)

  • I need to be a subject matter expert to the population I serve.

I included that TIOBE index ranking because not everything is the latest or greatest. Not everything is what the cool kids want to do. It is the languages that pay my bills probably for the next 10 years.

Why do I need to know this? I work at an Oracle Linux shop. My job, for the most part, dictates what I use. Can I use other technologies? Yes, but I will not have a backup. If I get sick or want a vacation, I hurt my employer because my counterparts may not have the skill set to solve things quickly.

PL/SQL, SQL, SHELL are just musts. I cannot even do the job without it. I use SQL Developer for PL/SQL and SQL. It saves my college money. Python was something that I picked up because a vendor that I was exporting data from Oracle made libraries in Python.

Bottom line, what is the Programming Laguage to know? It is the one that will pay your bills. Everything else is a hobby. (Please note: hobbies are not bad, they keep you relelevant so that when technologies change, you are ready).


“Index | TIOBE - The Software Quality Company.” TIOBE Software BV, Accessed 29 Jan. 2022.

2021 in Exercise

In the tradition of last year, I decide run a report of what I have done as a year in exercise.

2021 Activities

Activity Type


Total Distance

Total Activity Time

Activity Calories

Total Elev Gain

Average Speed

Max Speed



2,126.93 mi

187:14:31 h:m:s

77,200 C

90,423 ft

11.4 mph

134.9 mph

Gym & Fitness Equipment



44:28:28 h:m:s

12,098 C






30.75 mi

19:40:15 h:m:s

7,030 C

9,222 ft

1.6 mph

23.1 mph



1,248.46 mi

367:31:37 h:m:s

77,805 C

17,851 ft

3.4 mph

66.1 mph



449.03 mi

92:42:02 h:m:s

59,963 C

28,438 ft

4.8 mph

8.1 mph



246.60 mi

88:35:32 h:m:s

31,234 C

17,703 ft

2.8 mph

33.5 mph

This time, I am going to remind myself that you cannot exercise yourself out of a bad diet. Even with all this, I gained weight in 2021. 2022 I hope will be different.

Merry Christmas 2021

christmas_tree Merry Chrismas christmas_tree

In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment, when Quirin′i-us was governor of Syria. And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. And while they were there,In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. 2 This was the first enrollment, when Quirin′i-us was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. 6 And while they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. 7 And she gave birth to her first-born[a] son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

—Luke 2:1-7


Help Your Neighbor/Give to the Poor and Hungry

I saw this quote on the internet:

Jesus said help your neighbors and give to the poor and hungry, not give money to the Romans and hope they’ll take care of it.

Do I believe that are there are certain things only the government can do? Yes. Do I think that the government is the answer to everything? Hardly.

Many people who go into public service, especially in blue states, do not always go into office for the public good of all their constituents. They have their own agenda.

Also, what government does, even for good, I don’t feel they are a proxy for me being good or doing good. This statement is essential. I see many people on the internet doing likes for things they do not have skin in the game (In 2020, 61% of Americans paid no federal income tax. I was part of the 39%). It is other people’s money. I doubt any city, county, state, federal would ever be a four-star rating on Charity Navigator. Again, I prefer to choose a proxy for my charity dollars.

It is important to me that charity starts at home. If I cannot take care of myself, family, near and dear, close friends, I have no business worrying about others. Next, the charity must be local, then SoCal, California, United States. Then just maybe the rest of the world. A concentric circle going outward.

My Porfolio 2022 going forward?

This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice, and is not a recommendation. Past performance is not always indicative of future returns. I may or may not own stocks listed

Now that I got that out of the way


I am a quant/mechanical investor at heart. I no longer have the time to do quant work or stock picking. Sad to say, I am going the ETF route. Something safe and diverified. I like the concept of not looking at my portfolio and have it just work.

I have had a few choices:

  • Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 Fund (VTHRX)
  • Some other Targe Date fund
  • Some combos of ETFs
  • Continue to overthing or stess out buying individual stocks

What is good about the latter is that you can decide your own allocation. Because of my situation, I do not need to be in bonds at all. the rule of 120 or 100 does not apply. My current retirement fund functions as such.

In spite of my age. a 100/0 or 90/10 stock/bond ration is acceptable

For my main profolio, I am going for a 90/10 stock/bond and 60/40 US/International. I would prefer a home bias, but from what I read, going forward, the United States might not be all that.

Side note: Most US firms are really international/multinational. The benefit of US stocks is the SEC and regulators.

Now for a quick look at the plan.

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Acorns Backtest

This backtest is flawed and oversimplified. Please do your own due diligenceThis backtest is flawed and oversimplified. Please do your own due diligence
This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice, and is not a recommendation. Past performance is not always indicative of future returns. I may or may not own stocks listed

This is a repost of an old article that I did as an Acorns backtest. Only difference is that that time I did it in RStudio and exported it out as html. My static blog generator under Windows Linux Subsystem does not like it. This is a port over to Jupyter Notebook which Nicola natively supports.


I have been an investor in Acorns since around September 2017. I learned about Acorns as a “Millenial savings account.” I did a “why not” investing. Plus I like squirreling away money that is not visible to me or others.

I had chosen the “Aggressive Portfolio” instead of the recommended “Conservative Portfolio.” The reason was that I was adviced long ago that my Social Security and Pension was my bond fund.

Purpose of this post is to backtest the Acorns investment style in a reproducible way reasonably. I will admit that the backtest is flawed and oversimplified. Acorns rebalances every time you add money Acorns. Also, Acorns does a full rebalance every quarter. I will not capture tax implications. The starting date will be from January 1st, 2011 till the time of this post. The reason is that the first data for VOO is September 2010. I hope that this will have value for you.

  • Large Company - VOO
  • Small Company - VB
  • Developed Market - VEA
  • Emerging Market - VWO
  • Real Estate - VNQ
  • Corporate Bond - LQD
  • Government Bond - SHY
  • Spiders - SPY benchmark.
  • ^IRX - 13 WEEK TREASURY BILL as risk free rate

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Very short bike ride (flat)

Wanted to test out combining a fit file from my Edge 1030 Plus with my Gopro Hero 9 Black in Telemetry Overlay. Unfortunately got a thorn in my tire that made the trip a little short. This is from the first part of the ride before I had to do road side innertube change.

Gotta admit, it is cool software.