Moodle courses without students and teachers
Moodle courses without students and teachers
A good place to start with Moodle ad-hoc reports can be found here: ad-hoc contributed reports. Moodle rooms have a tool that allows you to create reports. Issue with it is that it does not always run sql that can be run with other tools.
These are two reports that I did for this tool.
First one was for total number of courses with no users by category.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT cr.shortname, cr.fullname, COUNT( ) AS enrolled FROM `mdl_course` cr JOIN `mdl_context` ct ON ( ct.instanceid = ) LEFT JOIN `mdl_role_assignments` ra ON ( ra.contextid = ) WHERE ct.contextlevel =50 GROUP BY cr.shortname, cr.fullname ORDER BY `enrolled` ASC ) courses WHERE enrolled = 0;
The second was to list the names of the courses.
SELECT DISTINCT (SELECT name FROM mdl_course_categories WHERE id=catid ) AS Semester, COUNT(shortname) AS empty_class FROM (SELECT cr.shortname, cr.fullname, cr.category AS catid, COUNT( ) AS enrolled FROM `mdl_course` cr JOIN `mdl_context` ct ON ( ct.instanceid = ) LEFT JOIN `mdl_role_assignments` ra ON ( ra.contextid = ) WHERE ct.contextlevel =50 GROUP BY cr.shortname, cr.fullname ORDER BY `enrolled` ASC ) courses WHERE enrolled = 0 GROUP BY semester ORDER BY catid DESC;
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