WOW Ports that I am following August 2022

These are screens are those that I follow from: What Works on Wall Street, Fourth Edition: The Classic Guide to the Best-Performing Investment Strategies of All Time.

This is just my interpretation of the books material.

This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice, and is not a recommendation. Past performance is not always indicative of future returns. I may or may not own stocks listed

R System Prep

Data was downloaded the day that I run this notebook. Data should be 1 market day old.

This sheet was run on:

In [1]:
[1] "2022-08-01 11:46:36 PDT"

First initialize R environment:

In [2]:

Read Data

In [3]:
universe <-
    header = FALSE,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    na.strings = '-9999999999.990'

universe_names <-
    header = FALSE,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    na.strings = '-9999999999.990'

names(universe) <- universe_names[, 2]
count1 <- nrow(universe)[1]

Fields imported:

%%html <style> table {margin-left: 0 !important;} </style>
In [4]:
universe_names[, 2] %>%
  kbl("html") %>%
  as.character() %>%
Company name
Price Change 52 week
Market Cap Q1
Price Change 13 week
Price Change 26 week
Cash flow/share 12m
Shares Average Q1
Sales 12m
Buyback Yield
Enterprise Value/EBITDA
Shareholder Yield
1yr chg debt
External Financing
LT Debt/equity Q1
LT debt/free cash flow 12m


  • EarningsQuality: ([Cash from operations 12m]-[Net income 12m])/[Market Cap Q1]
  • 1yr chg debt: [Long-term debt Q1]-[Long-term debt Q5])/[Long-term debt Q5]
  • External Financing: [Cash from financing Q1]/[Total assets Q1]

Are caculated fields

To clean up the universe of stocks, they must:

  • have a ticker
  • market cap
  • 13,26,52 week price change
  • not be over the counter
  • not an ADR stock
  • not be a reit stock.
  • not be a closed end fund (TBA)
In [5]:
universe <- universe[complete.cases(universe$Ticker),]
universe <- universe[complete.cases(universe$`Market Cap Q1`),]
#universe <- universe[complete.cases(universe$`Price Change 13 week`),]
#universe <- universe[complete.cases(universe$`Price Change 26 week`),]
#universe <- universe[complete.cases(universe$`Price Change 52 week`),]
condition <- c("N - New York", "A - American", "M - Nasdaq")
universe <- filter(universe, Exchange %in% condition)
#universe <- filter(universe,`ADR/ADS Stock` == 'FALSE')
#universe <- filter(universe,!grepl('REITs',Industry))
count2 <- nrow(universe)[1]

Market Cap Variables

Screens need some market cap and momentom constants

  • Minimum deflated Market Cap all cap universe
  • Mediam 13 and 26 Momentom for bear trap
  • Average Market cap for large cap universe

Calculating deflator, mins, means and medians.

In [6]:
#find inflation Market Cap 150 @ 1995
getSymbols("CPIAUCSL", src = "FRED", auto.assign=getOption('',TRUE))
deflator  <-
  last(Cl(to.yearly(CPIAUCSL)))[[1]] / Cl(to.yearly(CPIAUCSL))['1995'][[1]]
mincap <- 150 * deflator
median13w <- median(universe$`Price Change 13 week`,  na.rm = TRUE)
median26w <- median(universe$`Price Change 26 week`,  na.rm = TRUE)
avgmcap <- mean(universe$`Market Cap Q1`,  na.rm = TRUE)
avgshares <- mean(universe$`Shares Average Q1`,  na.rm = TRUE)
avgcashflowshares <- mean(universe$`Cash flow/share 12m`,  na.rm = TRUE)
avgsales15 <- mean(universe$`Sales 12m`,  na.rm = TRUE) * 1.5

Create stock unverses

Screens are based on thre inverses of stocks

  • smallstocks
  • allstocks
  • largestocks
  • marketleaders

Create means and medians

In [7]:
smallstocks <- filter(universe, `Market Cap Q1` <= avgmcap & `Market Cap Q1` >= mincap)

allstocks <- filter(universe, `Market Cap Q1` >= mincap)

largestocks <- filter(universe, `Market Cap Q1` >= avgmcap)

marketleaders <- allstocks %>% filter(Sector != "59  - Utilities") %>% 
  filter(`Shares Average Q1` > avgshares) %>%
  filter(`Cash flow/share 12m` > avgcashflowshares) %>%
  filter(`Sales 12m` > avgsales15)

Function to add rankings

In [8]:
calcvc2 <- function(x) {
  #Calculate VC2
  #subtract ntile from 101 to reverse (correct) Order. So Small is big
  x$`Price/Book.Rank` <-
    100 - round(percent_rank(x$`Price/Book`) * 100, 1)
  x$PE.Rank <- 100 - round(percent_rank(x$PE) * 100, 1)
  x$`Price/Sales.Rank` <-
    100 - round(percent_rank(x$`Price/Sales`) * 100, 1)
  x$`Enterprise Value/EBITDA.Rank` <-
    100 - round(percent_rank(x$`Enterprise Value/EBITDA`) * 100, 1)
  x$`Price/CFPS.Rank` <-
    100 - round(percent_rank(x$`Price/CFPS`) * 100, 1)
  x$`Shareholder Yield.Rank` <-
    round(percent_rank(x$`Shareholder Yield`) * 100, 1)
  #Stocks with no rank get 50
  x$`Price/Book.Rank`[$`Price/Book.Rank`)] <- 50
  x$PE.Rank[$PE.Rank)] <- 50
  x$`Price/Sales.Rank`[$`Price/Sales.Rank`)] <- 50
  x$`Enterprise Value/EBITDA.Rank`[$`Enterprise Value/EBITDA.Rank`)] <-
  x$`Price/CFPS.Rank`[$`Price/CFPS.Rank`)] <- 50
  x$`Shareholder Yield.Rank`[$`Shareholder Yield.Rank`)] <- 50
  #Sum the Ranks
  x$SumRank <-
    x$`Price/Book.Rank` + x$PE.Rank + x$`Price/Sales.Rank` + x$`Enterprise Value/EBITDA.Rank` + x$`Price/CFPS.Rank` + x$`Shareholder Yield.Rank`
  x$VC2 <- round(percent_rank(x$SumRank) * 100, 1)

allstocks <- calcvc2(allstocks)
largestocks <- calcvc2(largestocks)
marketleaders <- calcvc2(marketleaders)

Market Cap discriptive

In [9]:
 Price Change 52 week     Yield        Market Cap Q1       Price Change 13 week
 Min.   :-94.52       Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :    287.9   Min.   :-84.400     
 1st Qu.:-33.94       1st Qu.: 0.000   1st Qu.:    659.5   1st Qu.:-13.035     
 Median :-10.52       Median : 0.000   Median :   1936.4   Median : -1.800     
 Mean   :-10.96       Mean   : 1.513   Mean   :  13989.6   Mean   : -2.610     
 3rd Qu.:  4.97       3rd Qu.: 2.200   3rd Qu.:   6838.9   3rd Qu.:  5.125     
 Max.   :424.85       Max.   :44.900   Max.   :2537675.0   Max.   :392.050     
 NA's   :213                                               NA's   :11          
 Price Change 26 week Cash flow/share 12m Shares Average Q1  
 Min.   :-87.570      Min.   :-181.0900   Min.   :    0.452  
 1st Qu.:-17.800      1st Qu.:  -1.0300   1st Qu.:   39.902  
 Median : -3.730      Median :  -0.0200   Median :   81.250  
 Mean   : -2.579      Mean   :   0.3502   Mean   :  276.675  
 3rd Qu.:  7.225      3rd Qu.:   0.6100   3rd Qu.:  202.629  
 Max.   :377.430      Max.   : 301.6500   Max.   :17548.000  
 NA's   :43           NA's   :448         NA's   :49         
   Sales 12m        Buyback Yield        Price/Book            PE        
 Min.   :     0.2   Min.   :-981.200   Min.   :  0.140   Min.   :  0.40  
 1st Qu.:   355.2   1st Qu.:  -4.400   1st Qu.:  1.300   1st Qu.: 10.10  
 Median :  1248.5   Median :  -0.500   Median :  2.030   Median : 18.30  
 Mean   :  7922.7   Mean   :  -9.076   Mean   :  5.015   Mean   : 34.88  
 3rd Qu.:  4748.0   3rd Qu.:   0.700   3rd Qu.:  3.835   3rd Qu.: 33.52  
 Max.   :576013.0   Max.   :  90.000   Max.   :386.820   Max.   :985.40  
 NA's   :525        NA's   :273        NA's   :211       NA's   :1314    
  Price/Sales     Enterprise Value/EBITDA   Price/CFPS     Shareholder Yield 
 Min.   :  0.02   Min.   :  0.1           Min.   :  0.20   Min.   :-981.200  
 1st Qu.:  1.06   1st Qu.:  7.4           1st Qu.:  8.70   1st Qu.:  -3.600  
 Median :  2.47   Median : 11.8           Median : 26.90   Median :   0.000  
 Mean   :  9.28   Mean   : 21.7           Mean   : 99.22   Mean   :  -7.505  
 3rd Qu.:  5.16   3rd Qu.: 19.6           3rd Qu.: 99.40   3rd Qu.:   3.300  
 Max.   :982.86   Max.   :925.7           Max.   :983.10   Max.   :  90.000  
 NA's   :563      NA's   :1196            NA's   :2461     NA's   :273       
  1yr chg debt      External Financing LT Debt/equity Q1
 Min.   :  -1.000   Min.   :-2.07000   Min.   :  0.00   
 1st Qu.:  -0.110   1st Qu.:-0.01000   1st Qu.:  0.00   
 Median :   0.000   Median : 0.00000   Median : 32.40   
 Mean   :   6.497   Mean   : 0.00275   Mean   : 74.17   
 3rd Qu.:   0.240   3rd Qu.: 0.00000   3rd Qu.: 91.67   
 Max.   :7293.000   Max.   : 1.03000   Max.   :981.00   
 NA's   :1085       NA's   :79         NA's   :240      
 LT debt/free cash flow 12m EarningsQuality   Price/Book.Rank     PE.Rank      
 Min.   :   0.00            Min.   :-5.8500   Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00  
 1st Qu.:   1.00            1st Qu.:-0.0100   1st Qu.: 26.50   1st Qu.: 37.90  
 Median :   3.80            Median : 0.0200   Median : 50.00   Median : 50.00  
 Mean   :  17.49            Mean   : 0.0401   Mean   : 50.14   Mean   : 50.07  
 3rd Qu.:   9.60            3rd Qu.: 0.0600   3rd Qu.: 75.10   3rd Qu.: 62.30  
 Max.   :4064.50            Max.   : 7.8000   Max.   :100.00   Max.   :100.00  
 NA's   :1907               NA's   :447                                        
 Price/Sales.Rank Enterprise Value/EBITDA.Rank Price/CFPS.Rank 
 Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00               Min.   :  0.00  
 1st Qu.: 29.30   1st Qu.: 36.20               1st Qu.: 50.00  
 Median : 50.00   Median : 50.00               Median : 50.00  
 Mean   : 50.06   Mean   : 50.12               Mean   : 50.02  
 3rd Qu.: 70.80   3rd Qu.: 64.10               3rd Qu.: 50.00  
 Max.   :100.00   Max.   :100.00               Max.   :100.00  
 Shareholder Yield.Rank    SumRank           VC2        
 Min.   :  0.0          Min.   : 40.2   Min.   :  0.00  
 1st Qu.: 26.7          1st Qu.:236.9   1st Qu.: 24.93  
 Median : 50.0          Median :294.1   Median : 50.00  
 Mean   : 49.7          Mean   :300.1   Mean   : 49.99  
 3rd Qu.: 72.7          3rd Qu.:361.4   3rd Qu.: 75.00  
 Max.   :100.0          Max.   :584.7   Max.   :100.00  
In [10]:
summary(largestocks$`Market Cap Q1`)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   8980   14914   26322   58619   51320 2537675 
In [11]:
summary(marketleaders$`Market Cap Q1`)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   2692   24175   46469   81451   97384  861140 


In [12]:
TrendingValue <- allstocks %>%  filter(VC2 >= 90) %>% arrange(desc(`Price Change 26 week`)) %>% slice_head(n = 25) %>% select(Ticker, `Company name`,Sector,Industry)

TrendingValue %>%
  kable("html") %>%
  as.character() %>%
Ticker Company name Sector Industry
PBF PBF Energy Inc 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
VHI Valhi, Inc. 51 - Basic Materials 51101030 - Chemicals - Specialty
CVLG Covenant Logistics Group Inc 52 - Industrials 52405030 - Freight & Logistics - Ground
RFP Resolute Forest Products Inc 51 - Basic Materials 51301020 - Paper Products
DSX Diana Shipping Inc 52 - Industrials 52405020 - Freight & Logistics - Marine
LPG Dorian LPG Ltd 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
BTE Baytex Energy Corp 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
MERC Mercer International Inc. 51 - Basic Materials 51301020 - Paper Products
STLD Steel Dynamics, Inc. 51 - Basic Materials 51201020 - Metals & Mining - Iron & Steel
ZEUS Olympic Steel, Inc. 51 - Basic Materials 51201020 - Metals & Mining - Iron & Steel
TMST Timkensteel Corp 51 - Basic Materials 51201020 - Metals & Mining - Iron & Steel
NUE Nucor Corporation 51 - Basic Materials 51201020 - Metals & Mining - Iron & Steel
EQNR Equinor ASA (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
UFCS United Fire Group, Inc. 55 - Financials 55301020 - Insurance - Property & Casualty
VLO Valero Energy Corporation 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
TGL TransGlobe Energy Corporation 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
CVE Cenovus Energy Inc (US) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
TGS Transportadora de Gas del Sur 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
WIRE Encore Wire Corporation 52 - Industrials 52102030 - Electrical Components & Equipment
KELYA Kelly Services, Inc. 52 - Industrials 52203030 - Employment Services
SANM Sanmina Corp 57 - Technology 57101010 - Semiconductors
SENEA Seneca Foods Corp 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102020 - Food Processing
X United States Steel Corporatio 51 - Basic Materials 51201020 - Metals & Mining - Iron & Steel
PRDO Perdoceo Education Corp 63 - Academic & Educational Services 63101010 - Miscellaneous Educational Service Providers
UNM Unum Group 55 - Financials 55301030 - Insurance - Life & Health

Cheap Stocks on the mend

In [13]:
cheapmend <-
  allstocks %>%  filter(VC2 >= 70) %>% filter(`Price Change 13 week` > median13w) %>% filter(`Price Change 26 week` >
                                        median26w) %>% arrange(desc(`Price Change 26 week`)) %>%             
                                        slice_head(n = 25) %>% select(Ticker, `Company name`)

cheapmend %>%
  kable("html") %>%
  as.character() %>%
Ticker Company name
CEIX Consol Energy Inc
TEDU Tarena International Inc(ADR)
ASC Ardmore Shipping Corp
HMLP Hoegh LNG Partners LP
AR Antero Resources Corp
TAL TAL Education Group (ADR)
PBF PBF Energy Inc
VHI Valhi, Inc.
ULH Universal Logistics Holdings I
ARIS Aris Water Solutions Inc
DQ Daqo New Energy Corp (ADR)
OXY Occidental Petroleum Corporati
SD SandRidge Energy Inc.
CVI CVR Energy, Inc.
DK Delek US Holdings Inc
VET Vermilion Energy Inc
BMEA Biomea Fusion Inc
CVLG Covenant Logistics Group Inc
MTOR Meritor Inc
RFP Resolute Forest Products Inc
AAV Advantage Energy Ltd
DSX Diana Shipping Inc
LPG Dorian LPG Ltd
BTE Baytex Energy Corp
QURE Uniqure NV

Market Leaders

Price Appreciation

In [14]:
mlsy <- marketleaders %>% filter(`Price Change 13 week` > median13w) %>% 
  filter(`Price Change 26 week` >median26w) %>% 
  arrange(desc(`Shareholder Yield`)) %>%
  slice_head(n = 25) %>% 
  select(Ticker, `Company name`,Sector,Industry)
mlsy %>%
  kable("html") %>%
  as.character() %>%
Ticker Company name Sector Industry
PBR Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobr 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
MPC Marathon Petroleum Corp 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
BP BP plc (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
AMGN Amgen, Inc. 56 - Healthcare 56201040 - Pharmaceuticals
SHEL Shell PLC (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
PAGP Plains GP Holdings LP 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
DVN Devon Energy Corp 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
AMCR Amcor PLC 51 - Basic Materials 51302010 - Non-Paper Containers & Packaging
ENB Enbridge Inc (USA) 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
T AT&T Inc. 57 - Technology 57401020 - Telecommunications Services - Wireless
NXPI NXP Semiconductors NV 57 - Technology 57101010 - Semiconductors
EQNR Equinor ASA (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
CF CF Industries Holdings, Inc. 51 - Basic Materials 51101020 - Chemicals - Agricultural
GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc 55 - Financials 55102010 - Investment Banking & Brokerage Services
CVE Cenovus Energy Inc (US) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
ADP Automatic Data Processing Inc 57 - Technology 57201010 - IT Services & Consulting
NTES NetEase Inc (ADR) 57 - Technology 57201030 - Online Services
EMR Emerson Electric Co. 52 - Industrials 52102030 - Electrical Components & Equipment
WM Waste Management, Inc. 52 - Industrials 52203010 - Environmental Services & Equipment
COP ConocoPhillips 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
FIS Fidelity National Information 57 - Technology 57301010 - Fintech
OVV Ovintiv Inc 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
XOM Exxon Mobil Corp 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
UPS United Parcel Service, Inc. 52 - Industrials 52405010 - Freight & Logistics - Courier, Postal, Air Freight & L
FISV Fiserv Inc 52 - Industrials 52203040 - Business Support Services
In [15]:
mlvc2 <- marketleaders %>% filter(`Price Change 13 week` > median13w) %>% 
  filter(`Price Change 26 week` >median26w) %>% 
  arrange(desc(VC2)) %>%
  slice_head(n = 25) %>% 
  select(Ticker, `Company name`,Sector,Industry)
mlvc2 %>%
  kable("html") %>%
  as.character() %>%
Ticker Company name Sector Industry
PBR Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobr 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
SHEL Shell PLC (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
T AT&T Inc. 57 - Technology 57401020 - Telecommunications Services - Wireless
BP BP plc (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
EQNR Equinor ASA (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
MPC Marathon Petroleum Corp 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
CVE Cenovus Energy Inc (US) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
BNTX BioNTech SE - ADR 56 - Healthcare 56202010 - Biotechnology & Medical Research
GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc 55 - Financials 55102010 - Investment Banking & Brokerage Services
PPC Pilgrim's Pride Corporation 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102020 - Food Processing
PAGP Plains GP Holdings LP 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
CF CF Industries Holdings, Inc. 51 - Basic Materials 51101020 - Chemicals - Agricultural
ET Energy Transfer LP 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
COP ConocoPhillips 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
CEA China Eastern Airlines Corp. L 52 - Industrials 52406010 - Airlines
CNC Centene Corp 56 - Healthcare 56102020 - Managed Health care
DVN Devon Energy Corp 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
PSX Phillips 66 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
OVV Ovintiv Inc 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
AMCR Amcor PLC 51 - Basic Materials 51302010 - Non-Paper Containers & Packaging
XOM Exxon Mobil Corp 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
PXD Pioneer Natural Resources Co 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
LNG Cheniere Energy, Inc. 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
EMR Emerson Electric Co. 52 - Industrials 52102030 - Electrical Components & Equipment
UPS United Parcel Service, Inc. 52 - Industrials 52405010 - Freight & Logistics - Courier, Postal, Air Freight & L
In [16]:
unique(arrange(rbind(mlvc2,mlsy),Ticker)) %>%
  kable("html") %>%
  as.character() %>%
Ticker Company name Sector Industry
1 ADP Automatic Data Processing Inc 57 - Technology 57201010 - IT Services & Consulting
2 AMCR Amcor PLC 51 - Basic Materials 51302010 - Non-Paper Containers & Packaging
4 AMGN Amgen, Inc. 56 - Healthcare 56201040 - Pharmaceuticals
5 BNTX BioNTech SE - ADR 56 - Healthcare 56202010 - Biotechnology & Medical Research
6 BP BP plc (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
8 CEA China Eastern Airlines Corp. L 52 - Industrials 52406010 - Airlines
9 CF CF Industries Holdings, Inc. 51 - Basic Materials 51101020 - Chemicals - Agricultural
11 CNC Centene Corp 56 - Healthcare 56102020 - Managed Health care
12 COP ConocoPhillips 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
14 CVE Cenovus Energy Inc (US) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
16 DVN Devon Energy Corp 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
18 EMR Emerson Electric Co. 52 - Industrials 52102030 - Electrical Components & Equipment
20 ENB Enbridge Inc (USA) 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
21 EQNR Equinor ASA (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
23 ET Energy Transfer LP 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
24 FIS Fidelity National Information 57 - Technology 57301010 - Fintech
25 FISV Fiserv Inc 52 - Industrials 52203040 - Business Support Services
26 GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc 55 - Financials 55102010 - Investment Banking & Brokerage Services
28 LNG Cheniere Energy, Inc. 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
29 MPC Marathon Petroleum Corp 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
31 NTES NetEase Inc (ADR) 57 - Technology 57201030 - Online Services
32 NXPI NXP Semiconductors NV 57 - Technology 57101010 - Semiconductors
33 OVV Ovintiv Inc 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
35 PAGP Plains GP Holdings LP 50 - Energy 50103030 - Oil & Gas - Transportation Services
37 PBR Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobr 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
39 PPC Pilgrim's Pride Corporation 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102020 - Food Processing
40 PSX Phillips 66 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
41 PXD Pioneer Natural Resources Co 50 - Energy 50102020 - Oil & Gas - Exploration and Production
42 SHEL Shell PLC (ADR) 50 - Energy 50102010 - Oil & Gas - Integrated
44 T AT&T Inc. 57 - Technology 57401020 - Telecommunications Services - Wireless
46 UPS United Parcel Service, Inc. 52 - Industrials 52405010 - Freight & Logistics - Courier, Postal, Air Freight & L
48 WM Waste Management, Inc. 52 - Industrials 52203010 - Environmental Services & Equipment
49 XOM Exxon Mobil Corp 50 - Energy 50102030 - Oil & Gas - Refining and Marketing
In [17]:
utilities <- allstocks %>%
  filter(Sector == "59  - Utilities") %>%
  arrange(desc(VC2)) %>%
  slice_head(n =25) %>% 
  select(Ticker, `Company name`,Sector,Industry)
noncyc <- filter(allstocks,Sector == "54  - Consumer Non-Cyclicals") %>%
  arrange(desc(`Shareholder Yield`)) %>%
  slice_head(n = 25) %>% 
  select(Ticker, `Company name`,Sector,Industry)
arrange(rbind(utilities,noncyc),Ticker)   %>%
  kable("html") %>%
  as.character() %>%

constap <- rbind(slice_head(noncyc,n=3),slice_head(utilities,n=3))
Ticker Company name Sector Industry
ABEV Ambev SA (ADR) 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54101010 - Brewers
AGRO Adecoagro SA 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102020 - Food Processing
ALE ALLETE Inc 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
AVA Avista Corp 59 - Utilities 59104010 - Utilities - Multiline
BTI British American Tobacco PLC ( 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102030 - Tobacco
CAH Cardinal Health Inc 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54301010 - Retailers - Drug
CCU Compania Cervecerias Unidas S. 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54101010 - Brewers
CIG Energy of Minas Gerais Co 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
COKE Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54101030 - Non-Alcoholic Beverages
CSV Carriage Services, Inc. 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54201030 - Personal Services
ENIC Enel Chile SA - ADR 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
ETR Entergy Corporation 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
EVRG Evergy Inc 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
EXC Exelon Corporation 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
FTS Fortis Inc 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
HAIN Hain Celestial Group Inc 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102020 - Food Processing
HLF Herbalife Nutrition Ltd 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102020 - Food Processing
HRB H & R Block Inc 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54201030 - Personal Services
KEN Kenon Holdings Ltd 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
KEP Korea Electric Power Corporati 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
KR Kroger Co 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54301020 - Food Retail & Distribution
MCK McKesson Corporation 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54301010 - Retailers - Drug
MDU Mdu Resources Group Inc 59 - Utilities 59104010 - Utilities - Multiline
MED Medifast Inc 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102020 - Food Processing
MMM 3M Co 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54401010 - Consumer Goods Conglomerates
MO Altria Group Inc 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102030 - Tobacco
NRG NRG Energy Inc 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
OGE OGE Energy Corp. 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
OTTR Otter Tail Corporation 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
PAM Pampa Energia S.A. (ADR) 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
PCG PG&E Corporation 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
PM Philip Morris International In 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102030 - Tobacco
PNM PNM Resources Inc 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
PNW Pinnacle West Capital Corporat 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
POR Portland General Electric Comp 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric
PPL PPL Corp 59 - Utilities 59104010 - Utilities - Multiline
PRG PROG Holdings Inc 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54201030 - Personal Services
RLX RLX Technology Inc - ADR 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102030 - Tobacco
SBS Companhia de Saneamento Bsc DE 59 - Utilities 59103010 - Utilities - Water & Related
SCI Service Corporation Internatio 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54201030 - Personal Services
SENEA Seneca Foods Corp 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102020 - Food Processing
SFM Sprouts Farmers Market Inc 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54301020 - Food Retail & Distribution
SR Spire Inc 59 - Utilities 59102010 - Utilities - Natural Gas
TAC TransAlta Corporation (USA) 59 - Utilities 59101020 - Utilities - Independent Power Producers
TPB Turning Point Brands Inc 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102030 - Tobacco
UGI UGI Corp 59 - Utilities 59102010 - Utilities - Natural Gas
UL Unilever plc (ADR) 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54201020 - Personal Products
USNA USANA Health Sciences, Inc. 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102020 - Food Processing
VGR Vector Group Ltd 54 - Consumer Non-Cyclicals 54102030 - Tobacco
VST Vistra Corp 59 - Utilities 59101010 - Utilities - Electric


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