Medium Test
A Subtitle to make plugin happy?
This is nothing more than an integration test with Medium.
This is nothing more than an integration test with Medium.
I forget where I found this, but it is true. Being a care giver and taking care of your parents, in society you are concidered wierd.
This quote is true.
"...there is always inequity in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded, and some men never leave the country, and some men are stationed in the Antarctic and some are stationed in San Francisco. It's very hard in the military or personal life to assure complete equality. Life is unfair."
2020 has been an interesting year. Over the years, I have become a fan of stock picking in the Peter Lynch view: Good companies with good management that you understand. However, it requires time and awareness. I am also getting to the age where I need to be more conservative with my money and savings.
I have been gravitating towards Dog of Dow in my Roths in my fight not to use ETFs. Check once a year, rebalance, forget till next year. Mostly safe.
In this post, I am going to compare, in a reproducible way. VFINX will be the proxy for the market benchmark.
What I am going to look at is:
All offer a subset of the Dow Industrial. What is different is how you subset then sort.
Yes, I know they all offer returns. I just like to verify and show how I came to my results.
While bord, I read about scientists questioning Einstein's theory of relativity. I found it interesting. I am not smart enough to question such things. I have to accept some subjects to get by.
To scientist, science is not so fragile that they don't question it.
Questioning Einstein excited me because something that I have grown up as settled and accepted science was challanged. I cannot find the article today, but I found something that had a great quote:
"Einstein's right, at least for now," [1]
This leads into the list that scientist once believed from another article titled "Let's Follow the History of Science Instead." [2] [3] The list was a basis for the statement that science and scientist are fallable.
That the earth is a flat disk, not a sphere, and that it resides at the center of the solar system and even the entire universe.
Said earth was created like 6,000 years ago.
Complex life forms spontaneously arise from inanimate matter.
Species evolve by inheriting acquired characteristics.
That sickness arises from an imbalance of the bodily humors or bad air (miasma!) and in either case is best restored by draining the afflicted person of blood and/or applying massive doses of mercury.
Maternal thoughts cause birth defects.
Human beings are not all equal but rather composed of races, some of which are superior to others. Just measure their skulls for proof!
Phlogiston and caloric exist and explain combustion.
If you cultivate an area, rainfall in that area will increase. “Rain follows the plow.”
Another ice age was upon us in the 1970s.
I can't entirely agree with everything stated in the article; however, the main point is correct. Science is not always right. Scientists are not monolithic. What makes science less fragile is to have a theory beaten to an inch of it's life and still stand.
Now, for my statement of faith: I believe in currently accepted science, till proven otherwise. I am not willing to treat science as a religion.
Just going to say, mime encoding is almost as old as the Internet and is very used.
At work, we have a problem with vendor code. They are using java in Oracle. It works in TEST, but not in PROD. It is a permissions problem. I am no DBA right now.
What I enjoy about Oracle docs, is that there is amost no simple snippets of code to help or give ideas how to do things. AskTom is more the rule than the exception.
This is an example on doing an mime encoded hmac sha256 in oracle.
Pleasae note: dbms_crypt requires permissions.
select UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2 (UTL_ENCODE.base64_encode(
dbms_crypto.mac(UTL_I18N.string_to_raw('MESSAGE', 'UTF8'),3,
utl_i18n.string_to_raw('KEY', 'UTF8')))) from dual;
The number 3 the same as: DBMS_CRYPTO.HMAC_SH256. Just that if you use DBMS_CRYPTO.HMAC_SH256 you get:
The code above should work in Oracle 12c and above.
Well, this did not go far. Visit to my folks and a 500+ mile round trip road trip in one day does not help with bladder and steps.
Just a daily completion logs. I might not update this daily, but the activity must be.
My rules from 75 hard (my version):
Exercise: Complete 10,000 steps day. My normal excercise regiment is more than sufficient. My weekly exercise is more than sufficient. Just check my Strava page.
Drink 12 cups of water or more based on Garmin's hydration with auto increase turned on (today I am expected to drink 18 cups). Only clear water or drinks for the purpose of hydration count.
going to skip the reading
Diet: Record food on myfitnesspal and complete entry every day. No food prohibitions. A cheat is not honestly logging comleting the entry.
Take a progress picture.
Day ends when I go to bed.
Day |
Date |
Completed |
1 |
16-Jul-2020 |
2 |
17-Jul-2020 |
3 |
18-Jul-2020 |
4 |
19-Jul-2020 |
5 |
20-Jul-2020 |
6 |
21-Jul-2020 |
7 |
22-Jul-2020 |
8 |
23-Jul-2020 |
9 |
24-Jul-2020 |
10 |
25-Jul-2020 |
11 |
26-Jul-2020 |
12 |
27-Jul-2020 |
13 |
28-Jul-2020 |
14 |
29-Jul-2020 |
15 |
30-Jul-2020 |
16 |
31-Jul-2020 |
17 |
1-Aug-2020 |
18 |
2-Aug-2020 |
19 |
3-Aug-2020 |
20 |
4-Aug-2020 |
21 |
5-Aug-2020 |
22 |
6-Aug-2020 |
23 |
7-Aug-2020 |
24 |
8-Aug-2020 |
25 |
9-Aug-2020 |
26 |
10-Aug-2020 |
27 |
11-Aug-2020 |
28 |
12-Aug-2020 |
29 |
13-Aug-2020 |
30 |
14-Aug-2020 |
31 |
15-Aug-2020 |
32 |
16-Aug-2020 |
33 |
17-Aug-2020 |
34 |
18-Aug-2020 |
35 |
19-Aug-2020 |
36 |
20-Aug-2020 |
37 |
21-Aug-2020 |
38 |
22-Aug-2020 |
39 |
23-Aug-2020 |
40 |
24-Aug-2020 |
41 |
25-Aug-2020 |
42 |
26-Aug-2020 |
43 |
27-Aug-2020 |
44 |
28-Aug-2020 |
45 |
29-Aug-2020 |
46 |
30-Aug-2020 |
47 |
31-Aug-2020 |
48 |
1-Sep-2020 |
49 |
2-Sep-2020 |
50 |
3-Sep-2020 |
51 |
4-Sep-2020 |
52 |
5-Sep-2020 |
53 |
6-Sep-2020 |
54 |
7-Sep-2020 |
55 |
8-Sep-2020 |
56 |
9-Sep-2020 |
57 |
10-Sep-2020 |
58 |
11-Sep-2020 |
59 |
12-Sep-2020 |
60 |
13-Sep-2020 |
61 |
14-Sep-2020 |
62 |
15-Sep-2020 |
63 |
16-Sep-2020 |
64 |
17-Sep-2020 |
65 |
18-Sep-2020 |
66 |
19-Sep-2020 |
67 |
20-Sep-2020 |
68 |
21-Sep-2020 |
69 |
22-Sep-2020 |
70 |
23-Sep-2020 |
71 |
24-Sep-2020 |
72 |
25-Sep-2020 |
73 |
26-Sep-2020 |
74 |
27-Sep-2020 |
75 |
28-Sep-2020 |
My year in exercise defines the phrase that one cannot out-exercise a body diet or habits. This week on a bloated day, I hit 198 pounds. I have been trying to reboot my diet for the last two years. I am not a big fan of fat acceptance.
I am going to challenge myself to a modified 75 hard.
First off what is 75 hard:
The 75 Hard challenge was created by called Andy Frisella and goes along the lines out of 'challenging' yourself because it will help you figure out who you really are and how mentally tough you are.
The challenge consists of the following tasks, which must be completed every day without exception:
Two 45-minute workouts (you define what the workouts are)
Drink 1 gallon of water
Read 10 pages of a personal development/business/self-help book
Stick to a diet (you define the diet)
No alcohol or cheat meals
Take a progress picture
There are also a few rules:
You must complete all 75 days in a row; if you miss a single day you fail. Failure means any deviation from your plan, in the strictest sense. No substitutions, no catch-up days, no excuses.
If you fail, you must start over on day 1
One of the daily workouts must be outside, no matter what the weather conditions are
Audiobooks do not count toward the reading goal
The day ends when you go to bed
Cool, the problem for me, is that most likely I will not be able to get my other tasks done. I have tasks that I falling behind in. I have no plans of doing another 45-minute exercise session if I bike 60 miles to Faria Beach, jog 8 miles, or bike to Gibraltar peak (extreme example). I am in reading burnout from work (more than 10 pages of manuals). Besides, for the most part, metal toughness is not what I need. I need to get back into a routine. I plan to modify the goals along the line of this entry from Hoyle's Fitness.
Dietary Discipline – Eating well. Only drinking on social occasions, not at home
Train Every Day – 75 days without a day off. Active recovery counts
Drink 3 liters of Water per Day – Nothing but clear, plain water counts
Read 10 Pages per Day – From a non-fiction self-help book or business book
Take a Progress Picture Every Day – So you can see the progress at the end
Complete a full 10,000 steps per day
Exercise: Complete 10,000 steps day. My normal excercise regiment is more than sufficient. My weekly exercise is more than sufficient. Just check my Strava page.
Drink 12 cups of water or more based on Garmin's hydration with auto increase turned on (today I am expected to drink 18 cups). Only clear water or drinks for the purpose of hydration count.
going to skip the reading
Diet: Record food on myfitnesspal and complete entry every day. No food prohibitions. A cheat is not honestly logging comleting the entry.
Take a progress picture.
Day ends when I go to bed.
It is going to be interesting to see if I can maintain the discipline.
Not exactly the original, but it is a good plan for me.
I think it would not hurt to start posting some of the work I do for my employer. Nothing will be company confidential. There is almost nothing company confidential when you work for a public institution with a few exceptions of FERPA, PII, student records, etc.
One of the tasks that I was asked to do is to integrate data from the SBCC BANNER ERP system with Verba's Inclusive Access system. The project was simple.
Create a population-based on student enrolment
Create a sample file
Create key file for sftp
Currently, I have to do is automate in ISE. This will have to wait till next week when the move Banner to Oracle Cloud project is done.
This is the code that I create (in a procedure for work, this so I can run it manually).
BTW, should this be in a GitHub gist or this good enough? I like GitHub, but there is a part of me that prefers to keep things local.
declare --set up output parameters gbcn_outfilepath CONSTANT VARCHAR2(64) := 'SBCC_OUTGOING'; v_file_name_s VARCHAR2(64) := 'ia_enrollment' || '.csv'; v_fh_s utl_file.file_type; v_outbuf VARCHAR2(4000); v_cat_count INT(2) := 0; CURSOR c_students IS SELECT sfrstcr_term_code catalog_name, ssbsect_subj_code department_name, ssbsect_crse_numb course_number, sfrstcr_crn section_code, gzf_get_id(sfrstcr_pidm) student_identifier, gzf_format_name(sfrstcr_pidm,'PREFF') student_first_name, gzf_format_name(sfrstcr_pidm,'L') student_last_name, gzf_email_addr(sfrstcr_pidm,'SBCC') student_email_address FROM sfrstcr INNER JOIN stvrsts ON sfrstcr_rsts_code = stvrsts_code LEFT OUTER JOIN ssbsect ON ( ssbsect_term_code = sfrstcr_term_code AND ssbsect_crn = sfrstcr_crn ) WHERE sfrstcr_term_code IN ( SELECT stvterm_code FROM stvterm WHERE stvterm_code <> '999999' AND stvterm_end_date > SYSDATE INTERSECT SELECT goriccr_value FROM goriccr WHERE goriccr_icsn_code = 'ACTIVE_TERM' ); BEGIN -- open file v_fh_s := utl_file.fopen(gbcn_outfilepath,v_file_name_s,'w'); --header record utl_file.put_line(v_fh_s,'"catalog_name","department_name","course_number","section_code","student_identifier","student_first_name","student_last_name","student_email_address"'); --write data FOR v_students IN c_students LOOP v_outbuf := '"' || v_students.catalog_name || '",' || '"' || v_students.department_name || '",' || '"' || v_students.course_number || '",' || '"' || v_students.section_code || '",' || '"' || v_students.student_identifier || '",' || '"' || v_students.student_first_name || '",' || '"' || v_students.student_last_name || '",' || '"' || v_students.student_email_address || '"'; utl_file.put_line(v_fh_s,v_outbuf); END LOOP; --close file utl_file.fclose(v_fh_s); end;
Escape/ J/70
Sailed dock to dock: mi
Course: nm
FZUS56 KLOX 081547 CWFLOX Expires:202007082230;;521637 Coastal Waters Forecast National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 847 AM PDT Wed Jul 8 2020 Point Piedras Blancas to San Mateo Point CA out 60 NM including the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary PZZ650-082230- East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 847 AM PDT Wed Jul 8 2020 .TODAY...Winds variable 10 kt or less, becoming SW 10 to 15 kt in the afternoon. Wind waves 2 ft or less. W swell 3 to 5 ft at 9 seconds. .TONIGHT...W winds 10 to 15 kt, becoming 5 to 10 kt after midnight. Wind waves 2 ft or less. W swell 2 to 4 ft at 9 seconds. .THU...Winds variable 10 kt or less, becoming SW 10 to 15 kt in the afternoon. Wind waves 2 ft or less. W swell 2 to 4 ft at 9 seconds. Patchy fog in the morning.