To me, it is a good question. Originally, way back when it was because
everyone should have a home page on the Internet. My problem back then,
and now is that I actually enjoy the process of setting one up more so
than creating content. Creating content puts you out into the world. Too
many landmines to step on now a day. There is also the question of do I
have something worth saying. I know of people who are smarter than me
and much more eloquent. I have female friends who I would enjoy reading
what they have to say and actually wish they would blog.
I got interested in the concept again when I was an MBA candidate. One
of the benefits of being an MBA student is that one is forced to write
and speak. Writing and speaking for a tech introvert requires
practice. I tried toastmasters for speaking. Writing is another thing.
This site got me interested in blogging again:
Use Jekyll for Your Academic
Life, as usual, got in the way, plus, I admit, I am a lazy writer, avid
I ran across this site “what I learned this
Week” while
researching static generators, again. The process of building is so much
more entertaining that maintaining was a reminder on how to create
content, yet keep it simple. The author included these excellent links:
Hopefully, I will back to it. As much as I would like this site to be
more slice of life, odds are, it will be sailing and information
technology subject. Word of warning, I do not fix PCs or Apples.