
I have moved from Google Sheets to Microsoft Excel for doing Insulin titration for my mother. I am an Android, Linux, Windows shop and felt that Google sheets would be better for being able to move between Windows and my Samsung tablet and phone. From past experience, Google Docs is excellent in collaboration. The issue that I noticed was that sometimes the data that I entered in did not prorogate between devices. I know that SAAS spreadsheets are a hub and spoke. What I think was happening was that the cached version was not being uploaded to the central server. When it was, uploaded, it became the older version because it was changed elsewhere. The issue may have been my work offline settings or how I move from device to device or wifi to wifi. In the end, it does not matter to me. For my well being and mother’s health, it just has to work.

Before I show an HTML table representation of my spreadsheet, here are my sources:

The spreadsheet that I created looks like this:


Blood Sugar

Move Average











Started Tresiba

























Underlying cell formulas look like:


Blood Sugar

Move Average


























I am using the round function for the moving average because there is no such thing as decimal numbers on the blood glucose monitor.

The current Insulin titration looks like:


The titration uses the fasting simple moving average. From what I understand about Tresiba, does change should happen every 3 to 4 days. The countif function checks to see if the last 4 doses were the same. If they are the same, titrate. Also, if the simple moving average is under 70, reduce dosage by 10%.

Look Up table:

Titration Lookup

min value












You can't walk enough to eat pizza

Today, I hit obese body fat or 25.1 based on my Garmin Index Scale. I look at BMI as a benchmark, but my goals are not by body weight percentage. I had promised I would never be obese again, but here I am.

Read an MFP blog post. I liked it because it sums up how I feel about dieting. It was simply called: You Can't Outrun a Bad Diet. I laughed at it because when I first started dieting my hour lunch walk did not burn up enough calories so that I could eat a piece of pizza. It is worth reading. Over this week I had burned a lot of active calories biking, sailing and running. I still put on the pounds.

My current problem with dieting is I like to eat and drink with friends. Also, my stress level is a little high. I eat when I am stressed out.

Well to the highlights:

The first paragraph made me laugh since I allowed myself to get mugged by chocolate cake:

It's a huge battle which I suck at some days. I don't know about you, but even though I am not afraid of being mugged my a chocolate cake with vanilla icing (is this profiling), this effing food thing is tough. It does not care how fit you are, or what you do; when you consume more calories than you burn, you gain weight

This sums what it is about dieting. I do believe that food is a lot more complex that the calorie in, calorie out mantra. Just that calorie in, calorie out works. I do not know how, but I have already put on my most feared ten-holiday pounds. I have to work to get them off.

The next part is that one just has to work the program. My program is three parts: Calorie counting, exercise, sleep. If I do not record my food, I tend to eat more. Exercise makes me feel good and allows me to be active. Without good sleep, it seems that the other two do not matter.

The last statement is important. I have been giving myself permission to cheat on my diet.

One of the things I know about failing is that we give ourselves permission to do it. We make excuses. "It's only once", "it's vacation", "it's OK to start over tomorrow", "it's just a stressful time" and the hits keep on coming. In 7 years on MFP I have seen a lot of people come and go - a lot - thousands in fact!

In my family, it was always Monday to start a diet. Maybe even eat enough food that it would take a month to work off the bing. When it comes to dieting, there is no time like the present.

I am a big fan of statistics. They make order out of chaos. The summation hit home. I am currently in the 55% of those who do not keep all my weight off. I am terrified of being the 40% who gain their weight back or even more. I want to be the 5% who make there goal of weight loss and keep it off.

I admit, I will will always be a recovering overweight person.

Percent weight Loss Success 20423.70399677156774104.9943468764167820496.4490673881045328.880653123583255127.57594353127936357.911597572844245274.673998375693769.21540979582369Percent weight Loss SuccessGained back we…Gained back weight lossGain back weig…Gain back weight and then someDo not keep of…Do not keep off all weight lossKept weight off

Healthy BMI Reboot

January 1st, 2016, I looked into the mirror and told myself: “Michael you are fat.” I know that it is not PC, but problems cannot be solved without stating the problem. I started what I called my Quest for a Healthy BMI. Target weight was for a BMI of 25 or 175. Since that time my lowest weight was167 pounds. What I discovered, is that keeping the weight off is hard. I allowed myself to gain weight back up to 195. My current seven-day moving average weight is 186.5. My current goal is 170.

Some of the reasons that I am doing this again are:

  • Vanity: I liked the way I looked.

  • Makes it easier to sail, dance and be active.

  • I do not have support for the damage that overweight causes later in life. I do not want to be a burden to my family, friends or society.

This time around, I am not looking at BMI as the goal target. I am going to use the body fat percentage. Currently, I am 23.8% or average. I would like to be at 17% or at the fit level. The number is based on the chart from American Council on Excerse:




Essential Fat















To my body acceptance friends (yes I have been called anorexic because I wanted to be healthy). From experience and observation, nature does not care about my feelings. These two paragraphs from Rising Obesity in the United States Is a Public Health Crisis is scary enough to get motivated again:

Obesity is a grave public health threat, more serious even than the opioid epidemic. It is linked to chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Obesity accounts for 18 percent of deaths among Americans ages 40 to 85, according to a 2013 study challenging the prevailing wisdom among scientists, which had placed the rate at around 5 percent. This means obesity is comparable to cigarette smoking as a public health hazard; smoking kills one of five Americans and is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States.

The obesity crisis may be less dramatic than the opioid epidemic now gripping the nation, but it is just as deadly. Opioids accounted for around two-thirds of the 64,000 deaths related to drug overdose in 2016. Excess body weight leading to cancer causes about 7 percent of cancer-related deaths, or 40,000 deaths each year. This number doesn’t include deaths from the many other medical conditions associated with obesity. Obese people are between 1.5 to 2.5 times more likely to die of heart disease than people with normal body mass indices (BMIs).

Automation is not always good customer support

Yesterday, I had to spend half my day dealing with cable television. I had called Cox Customer support. I had already done most of the general debugging: Turning off the television off then back on. Turning the TiVo off ten back on. By the time I called Cox I was quite sure it was not on my side.

I had the choice of the virtual debugger or and agent. I chose ‘Agent’. I still got the virtual tech support. A very calming automatic voice (condescending) started walking through all the steps again. It was like a combination of the IT Crowd and H.A.L. If cable was not important to the household at this moment, I would have canceled.

Problem with automation, is that it is decided to make a customer give up in frustration. What is so unfair to the person customer service person, and to me, is that the survey after words is designed to rank her performance. The virtual help got a bye.

I will say this; Cox live people are great. The virtual needs work.

Being Liberal

I consider myself left of center and a lunch bucket Democrat. I do not have problems with the dichotomy of being fiscally conservative and socially liberal. In my defense of the former I have seen too many programs where money was thrown at that did not work, yet simple solutions did. Many programs have too much administrative overhead for the sole purpose of generating reports that few read to prove that they are working. Lastly, I am not a fan of meta charities which one gives money to, so they can decide who is worthy of support. Yes, on the selfish side, I do enjoy the fruits of my labor.

On Facebook, I was shown an ad and was curious about why I got it. This was the answer:

One reason you're seeing this ad is that ****** ****** wants to reach people who are part of an audience called "US politics (very liberal)." This is based on a combination of factors, such as your activity on Facebook and other apps and websites, as well as where you connect to the internet.

There may be other reasons you're seeing this ad, including that ****** ****** wants to reach people ages 18 and older who live or were recently in California. This is information based on your Facebook profile and where you've connected to the internet.

If this is what the internet thinks of me, maybe I am not as jaded as I thought I was.

Test Python Notepbook

Just a a test of Ipython

In [3]:
print("Hello Word")
Hello Word
In [4]:
for i in range(1,10):
    print("Count: ",i)
Count:  1
Count:  2
Count:  3
Count:  4
Count:  5
Count:  6
Count:  7
Count:  8
Count:  9